Due to some licensing drama, we're considering replacing the reverb effect included in Mixxx. Any suggestions for a library or plugin that has a license compatible with GPLv2 and a CPU load acceptable for realtime use?

@falktx @unfa Unfortunately GPLv3 code doesn't help us right now. We realized one of our dependencies is GPLv2 only right before we're trying to make a release with a GPLv3 dependency. We also realized that the reverb code we've been using for years is GPLv3. We contacted the author of the GPLv2 dependency asking him to relicense as v2 or later. He is refusing to relicense and refusing to give any explanation. Long term we're going to rewrite the code, but short term we need to make a release.


@be there are many other reverbs you can use. roomy from artyfx is another very good one, see github.com/openAVproductions/o

it is based on zita-reverb, but with less controls so as it make it more noob friendly

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