falkTX is the maintainer of JACK, KXStudio and creator of Carla, Cadence and many other tools I use every day. He's one of the pillars of this community IMO.
If you want to help FOSS audio in general, he's a total VIP :D
#falkTX #KXStudio #FOSS #FOSSaudio #LinuxAudio #patreon

@unfa I'm actually thinking about creating a patreon account just for him. All his tools are so helpful!

@FrankyFire He's made one himself, there's no need any more :D

@unfa and I don't need one to support him on patreon?
I have actually no clue how that works.


@FrankyFire @unfa I think unfa thought you would create a creator account for me. small confusion, where you meant to create a user account, in order to be able to help out / be a patron of someone else :)

@falktx @FrankyFire @unfa

if you have paypal, you can setup regular payments through it without Patreon.

but I think Patreon is not that bad. there are other creators that you can support them through it too.

@luka @falktx @FrankyFire Liberapay is the cheapest option I think, thought it charges supporters upfront for the entire period they want to be donating for, to minimize money transfer fees.

@unfa @falktx @FrankyFire it seems it costs the same as paypal alone? + it does not enable continuous payments it just nags you after your contribution supposedly runs out. After LiberaPay stopped being an actual wallet it lost it's main function in my humble opinion - tho I totally respect (and support!) their mission. actually there's also kofe that costs nothing but can charge you regularly every month.

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