falktx boosted
falktx boosted
falktx boosted

Ardour 8.5 is out with improvements and bugfixes: better AAF importing, displaying the grid for tuplets etc.


falktx boosted

Happy #FollowFriday !

@ercanbrack - #LinuxAudio and #FOSS you name it!

@falktx - Longtime Linux Audio contributor (Carla, Cardinal and others) - Thank you!

@unfa - Well known Linux Audio and FOSS Youtuber, music producent and also game developer!

@gadse - Cat content on steroids!

@ellie - #Rust and #Infrastructure - author of @atuin

falktx boosted
falktx boosted

New Cardinal 24.04 release is here

Focuses on updating the base VCV Rack 2.4 and adds quite a few new modules, bringing the module count to 1193.

Changelog and downloads at github.com/DISTRHO/Cardinal/re

I updated the web version too, so you can try it directly in your browser by visiting cardinal.kx.studio/live

Have fun! ☀️

falktx boosted


I don't understand that either and I hope it doesn't get popular. I can't think of a logical reason for not providing the link to a story you took the time to screenshot. Isn't caring about the headlines and nothing else kinda why we're in this situation to begin with?


falktx boosted


you were there to get the screenshot. providing the link would have been the easy and polite thing to do. right?


Just posted a personal update (April 2024) on Patreon

TL;DR being "life's tough but finally starting to get less stressful" plus "will start doing opensource project work on thursdays as a schedule/routine going forward"

Thanks everyone for the support so far!

falktx boosted
falktx boosted
falktx boosted
falktx boosted
falktx boosted

I find it a bit sad/weird that so many people take what an open-source project gives out "as-is", without the notion of the entire thing being modifiable.

Say a project only allows to load 5 potatoes at a time into a pot, we can go there and bump that hardcoded limit into something more suitable to us.
Instead of thinking "welp that project can only load 5 potatoes, not suitable for me then will look for something else"

It becomes no different from proprietary solutions at that point...

falktx boosted

Experiment with Pure Data: a visual programming language for interactive art and sound.
By facilitators: Wasted Audio, Mike Moreno DSP & Timothy Schoen (plugdata).
Friday, 29 March, 2024 - 18:00. Price: free / by donation. ]LAG(, Amsterdam, .nl

falktx boosted

I need to edit an svg file so I just typed sudo apt install inkscape and a few seconds later the svg is open in a professional-level vector graphics application. I sometimes forget why I love open source so much, but then I do something like this and appreciate how lucky we are to have so many devs and packagers and testers etc working on open source operating systems and applications.

So thanks everyone. Thanks for making Linux and open source so great.

falktx boosted

Ok I’m doin the thread I said I wanted to do last week. (feel free to mute unless you enjoy a little second-hand drama as a Monday morning treat)

Attn #devrel people! Are you job hunting? Does this pic of search results look familiar? Have you ever seen a bunch of job postings like this from Canonical and thought “gee I should apply to one of these”?

I’m here to tell you:


Also with hacks for loading Qt WebEngine things if available, that means dynamically loading and calling a C++ API without linking to it.
C++ symbol demangling is quite something... 🙈

Likely to come to DPF at a later point, for now this is just to show a local url without needing to do any fancy IPC.

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