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@fribbledom Waiting for the bird before panicking. All is fine until then.

@mstrohm What is unclear about "X is mini-plugin host working as a plugin, allowing one-to-one plugin format reusage"? it is just not comparable though. carla is a plugin host, not a sampler.
that said, making this new little mini-host "paginated" so it loads one plugin after another in series would kinda help with this.
load ildaeil-synth, load sfizz inside and then fx afterwards that already exists and it is called sfizz. no need to reinvent the wheel, go SFZ. that is a dangerous name to pick... they should have skipped a step and called it "nextcast" from the start 😉

Bless be Carla, may many be its bridges and engine modularity.

Now that I know this works well - lv2 plugin host in another plugin - can use it for testing and fun stuff.

Need to think of the best workflow for such a tool, but cool that it is even possible.
Grab it at if you want, dont forget to clone with submodules. No prebuilt binaries at this point, sorry, too early for that still.

Have a great day :) if embed then no, that one is unsolvable until they rework their UIs completely. for non-embed, we could have the UI running in a bridge, but then you lose access to the fancy graphs.

Basically doing GUIs in Gtk was a big mistake, hopefully one not repeated again.

@nihilazo Carla is just doing the heavy work, but yes! 😊

Let's start a poll: Yes or No.
Sadly I can't seem to upload files if doing a poll, so will just assume "Yes" based on stars or something... :P

There is no audio, but I can guarantee it works.
Just picking a plugin and it loads (embed gui testing here, a generic gui would be used if the gui cant be embed)

Just wondering how much interest there is on this one...

@openmastering yes, but it is not open-source.
afaik it is only VST2 initially, and only works on the basic 3 platform/systems. We won't be able to run it on a raspberry Pi for example.
It just seems too limited, plus being closed-source we can't do nothing about these restrictions...

Continuing VCV plugin saga..
Seems like multiple UI instances won't be a problem!

@greenprocyon well my idea here is to see if we can get the original source unmodified and put some glue code on top to make it work as a plugin.
Some modifications were already needed, but still in a way that doesnt require changing upstream.

Without upstream changes some things will appear weird, like the file->quit menu that does nothing and library login we need to disable.
I can live with that myself tbqh.

@greenprocyon its standalone approach never caught my interest either. they promised a plugin version, so in theory the codebase should be capable of providing one.

VCV as plugin initial tests have been a success so far.
Was afraid that maybe the way it relies so much on GLFW would not make it possible to embed its GUI.. making a subpar experience IMO.
But that is not the case!

The hard part for the UI is sorted out, now need to cleanup all the hacking around and make sure it can handle multiple instances...

So far so good though.

falktx boosted

Time for your corporate workplace team-building exercises! :)

*forms union*

No, not like that!

@sjaehn working on the same things for long periods of time gets very boring, gotta spicy it up a bit sometimes.
plus it is not like this is going anywhere, it is just an attempt to see if it is even possible.

I actually need to stop doing these tryout things, but at the moment I still need to be at home most of the time so... eventually these will slow down a **LOT**, that was my intention anyway if not for special circumstances that still keep me at home 😔

@unfa Unfa's Nightly Forum About Audio Freedom.

That is a lot of unfa, some would say unfa AF ;)

@unfa thanks, though I still need someone to help me out with VCV details if this is going somewhere haha

@hoergen well in any case opening a ticket and continuing discussion on github sounds good yes, thanks

@hoergen are you using 32bit? if not that would be the problem. you downloaded the x86 build, which is 32bit. you want x86_64 for 64bit

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